Saturday, December 24, 2005

Don't Fault Me

Don't fault me for questioning how it could really be,
Wondering inside if you are the one to make me happy,
I know deep inside our meeting had a meaning from above,
As you console me and and constantly show me so much love,
Don't fault me for thinking about you everyday and night,
A bond that will be forever, but first a friendship so tight,
I seek your approval but you don't even know,
Without you I do not know where I would go.
Don't fault me for wondering how you truely feel,
Will this someday be, and is this really real.
Small things you do continue to entice my desire,
Sweet things you say add fuel to this curious fire,
Don't fault me for loving your personality first,
If I only looked at the exterior things would be worse,
Pictures they tend to fade in and out of my brain,
As you place in me so much joy that used to be pain,
I try not to say all of the words that are really there,
Kinda silly but rejection I guess plays on my fear,
Don't fault me for thinking of scenes of me and you,
As they continually play, wondering could they be true.
Fate is an obstacle when you don't know where to start,
But a friend first can always steal a woman's heart.
Don't fault me for laughing at cute things you say,
Wondering what you are up to when your away,
Dont fault me for questioning could this really be,
But yet never closing my mind for endless possibility.

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