Friday, January 20, 2006

Let Me Be

My solemn state is due to conflict that arises within my soul, you have no control, something in me which causes this toll, that which creates my poetic flow,
Circumstancial events that take me to this lonesome state, through my writing I communicate, you cannot debate my fate, throughout this world filled with hate, so very solemnly evil will instigate,
Pain which is caused by past events, at times mistakes making dents, thoughts of spiritual awakenings making sense, harbored reaping that satan rents,
I rebuke every action that causes this dismay, I have integrity you can't take away, on my knees forever I will pray, for that brighter day,
Turbulence caused is all behind me, through my Lord I hold the key, so evil just let me be, again you have lost and I am free.

1 comment:

Mikel said...

i don/t believe in these silly blogs... you have lots of words that rhyme though