Saturday, July 07, 2007

Lonesome Secret Lullaby
In the beginning my heart was begging me to let you in,
My mind contemplating and telling me I could not win,
Your smile still lingers in the air, and your words continue to touch,
I did not realize that everything we shared then would mean so much.
Like a lonesome soldiers cry, this begins my lonesome secret lullaby,
Time continues as we smile and go on, but to you I will forever be drawn,
Though possibly this could have be the biggest mistake of my life,
My destiny is to forever wonder as I carry on as another's wife,
The curiosity was there I cannot deny, Now all I have left is this lonesome secret lullaby,
A part of you though will always be placed in my heart,
And my love continues forever whether together or apart,
Its possible I will go to my death bed knowing it was I,
As I keep inside this lonesome secret lullaby.

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