Thursday, December 24, 2009

Feeling so out of sync walking upon shattered glass paths,
Drinking upon dreams poured only to fill and become the past,
Salty air, clouted mind, nowhere to run, walking alone a step behind.
The thoughts they hide in the shadows to protect what I see,
Tomorrow dancing on the balance of today's reality.
Mind constantly saying no, while my soul is drowning in a pool of fantasy.
Frozen again like time standing still, only left to contemplate my own free will.
Numb to everything that cuts like razors in a pool of alcohol,
Saying it constantly yet no ones around to hear my call,
Broken bridges leading to a crumbling wall,
Fading into a breathless state, my own destiny left to contemplate.
Columns, rows, facts and figures, yet nothing understood, nothing triggers,
the understanding that's needed to make sense,
A plague placed upon the emptiness of the meaning of life's essence.

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