Tuesday, April 29, 2008


words...words...and more words...
Category: Writing and Poetry

Somewhat tempermental, sentimental, with a touch so gentle.Living life like a rockstar with its ups and downs going out of bounds fighting the rounds as I inhale the deepest of sounds.Metaphorically speaking, with some bass boom tweaking, as my mind is forever geeking upon the innerside of me leaking outloud.Stranded in a daze, this fire burning full blaze, as the outsiders begin to taze and the young ones still here to amaze me.Blindfolded and cut with a dull knife's blade, ambitions fade, under the gloomy shade of the darkened crusade.Like a gentle breeze swept off the seas I exhale the damage that stings like bees but yet in the end I hear the echoes of the dues and the fees.Underneath the moonlit stars, only I know the inner scars, caused by the crashing cars, sedated by smoke filled bars.Takin it all in with stride, morals begin to subside, within my heart I confide, as if everything else has died.


Trials tribulations, resignations, time to set forth my own deviations,
Natural disasters mentally unstable to be anyones fairytale fable,
New thoughts come in as i contemplate the unforgivable sin within.
To just be able to exhale, as I fail, and in the end I begin to derail.
No satisfaction just a chain reaction that is just the beginning just a fraction.
Judge me or judge me not, always the truth i sought,my soul has already been bought.
Losing self is easy to do when you forget to focus on you, the beginning or the end I must do what I gotta do.

I wrote this one for Flexwriters stormy monday...

I Chose Picture 1

Take Me Away

Lets create a movie,
Filled with pics of you and me,

Far away places we have never been, With only Forever to begin.

Lets see the mountains tall, Inhale life, explore it all,

Let my minds dreams release, As I am finally filled with peace,

In my mind I know its supposed to be, Not only love but true destiny.




Love revolves even when your away,

In my thoughts my dreams my nights and my day,

My beloved you know who you are,

My love, unconditionally yours by far,

I am lost forever in love with you,

Perserverence, Eternity, Destiny, all I pursue,

Is shown to me each day in all that you do,

I am lifted by your love inspired by your dreams,

Your eyes sparkle like diamonds and your true self gleems,

Your Joy brings me peace and your smile brings me light,

As you remain in my heart to infinity each day and every night,

With each new path that you may choose to endeavor,

Know that my heart will remain yours forever.


Round and Round,

Circles and Time,

Left On the Line,

I smile,

I say,

Everything is fine,

Make no mistake,

I aprecciate,

My presence,

as I am drained,

By the existince,

Of Life’s High,

Life’s Low,

As I continue,

In this maze,

That Feel’s,

Like An Endless Circle.



revealing imperfections,

misguided directions,

my darkest secrets protections,

not your grade A selections,

It all has a cost,

As I exhaust ,

I am lost,

In my own life long holocaust,

My very own bitter frost,

Time to think,

Time to drink,

As I sink,

And try to fix

this broken link.

As I steal,

Another meal,

Try to voice,

How I feel,


see what is REAL.


It is a bit ironic this love so plutonic your strength so bionic as I drown in life’s tonic,

You know me, my complexity, as it should be, mentally, physically,sexually,

You know my move befor I make it, when I fake it, what I will do to shake it, when I can and I can’t take it,

Even when I am not at my best, you see me above the rest, as I watch this love manifest, who would have guessed,I would be so blessed,

It is you that has shown me so much more, you win the final score, as I adore, your very core, I never have been loved like this befor,

You look at the shattered glass, watch me pass moving fast, even when your left feeling last, you see the beauty in this outcast,

If I were to take my last breath of air, I would know you were there, treated me so amazing even when it did not seem fair, no one could come between this love we share,

So as I write this verse, and feel my heart is gonna burst,and everything may seem like it’s going in reverse know that my love is not a curse.


I, Too, sing a tune of Seoul
I, too, sing a tune of Seoul.

I am the orphan child.
They sent me across the seas,
To learn on my own,
But I am proud,
To be who I am,
Despite the mockeries.

I smile,
Because they may judge.
But Definitely,
They don’t know me,
I do not hold a grudge,
Just Integrity,

With each stone that is cast my way,
I am grateful for my life each day.

I, too, sing a tune of Seoul
To check out some more please go here:


Diamond In The Rough...

He is the diamond in the rough,

The sparkling jewel of my life,

My constant could not describe him enough,

He is the diamond in the rough,

Makes me smile if only for awhile,

The one that takes away the pain,

The one who shelters me from the rain,

He is the diamond in the rough,

The one I hold close to my heart,

He is the one that makes me laugh,

The one that walks me through this path,

He is my diamond in the rough,

The one who holds the key,

If only for a minute and hour a day,

He is the one who steals my heart away.


When you’re cut it can heal, you may be down for a few.
When you’re emotionally hurt, you may be down for a century or two.
Emotional pain seems harder to survive through.
At the end of the day these concepts connect as

Pusherman pusherman send me another line to inhale because I feel
without it I will fail,
Take me to that place where I can find that pot of gold the place where
age never gets old,
Pusherman pusherman sell me just another small hit so I can get lit and
lose thought of all this shit.
So I can soar with birds in the sky lifted high and not worry how I’m
gonna get by,
Pusherman pusherman let me have a little more as I ignore the demons
knocking at my door,
What you serve takes the edge off my swerve and gives me that piece of
pleasure that I deserve.

Pusherman pusherman just give me one last toke as I am lost within the

smoke before the red tape surrounds me and I begin to choke,

Its the high that i seek, I feel invincible so to speak,

this drug takes over and makes me weak.
Pusherman pusherman your drug called love is intoxicating keeps me
waiting never fading for this drug there is no rating.

~The best love that you can give or receive is unconditional~Carla

Another day, a dream away, peace, and serinity,makes its way,
One,two,three,taken from reality, its me, surrounded by a daydreamers destiny,
No more illusions,tainted with dillusions,only intelligent conclusions,
There is no pain, everyone here is sane,no words in vain,no reason to complain,
Love fills the air,innocence is everywhere,points are made clear,there is nothing to fear,
No bills to pay,no deadlines for today,no games to play,sunshines like the month of may,
This castle in the sky,set to sanctify,purify,and happiness can only magnify.

An inch away from insanity bruised from the calamity and unknown destiny that calls for me,
True purpose hanging outside as I look within knowing not where to begin to place the trials and the sin,
Beaten bloody sent away looking for the brighter day as I send all the good astray,
All around me the questions are hung,as I am sprung, around the twisted tounge that reels in the young.
Choosing between wrong and right,dieing slowly within the plight,can't sleep at night yet fighting the good fight.

The Instigater
I am not perfection,I seek direction,as I ride upon the erection of lifes hard,
My thoughts are deep,my soul I fight to keep,yet my wounds seep,and my mind is scarred,
Don't take me as a fool, because you will be my tool, as I school you in yet another lesson,
My strength comes from wars within, the trials the sin,as I begin to pen this aggression.
My life I release, letting out the beast, as I write each peice, and you feast upon each line,
I am not a hater, segregator,investigator, intimidater,just an instigater placed here to masturbate your mind.

Rhetoric unstable events, consequential elements,sparatically crossing the fence,begging for confidence,
Sentiments evaded, segregated,sunlight shaded, morals faded,somewhat baited,
Is this really destiny,do you love me,kissing me gently,I take responsibility,
The dice have been rolled yet again,as we dance upon the sin,of where to begin,and when,
The tempo moves faster,I choose disaster,as I capture the wrath of my master.
Sinking down, I feel the ground, I can barely hear the sound,because the red tape is all around.
Can't place blame, I came, heard your name,and now I swim in the pool of shame.
Today is a day lost if I continue with out you,
You are the gift left for me each day that I continue,
For our paths were crossed with much reason from above,
As strangers we did meet and it has led to unconditional love,
Countless days countless hours you have placed smiles upon me,
As you wander about embedding footprints in my heart ever so gently,
I can't take for granted the time I am blessed here,
Because of my friends and family's love that I have share,
If my time would expire right now on this day,
I know the love of my friends and family would send me on my way.
Thank you for everything you do be it big or small,
And know I will be there if ever you should call.


just a little something i posted on my space.

First Of all I have to say Fuck Off!!!

If you are here to talk shit I really do not care!

Nothing said can move me...

If I do not like you its for a reason...

More than likely a really good reason...

I dont kiss ass dont suck dick and never ever have loved a TRICK.....