Friday, January 11, 2008

Fom Dusk 'Till Dawn

In life sometimes things seem so complicated, my happiness has faded, but yet I have waited, for the true purpose for which I am created,
I kiss the babes as they go out the door, watching them grow, as they explore, I do adore them as their minds soar,
They bring me light with so much delight even when I am in my darkest night they strengthen me to continue to fight,
From dusk ‘till dawn,

When the world tries to bring me down, cant stand with two feet on the ground, I am left feeling like no one is around, then suddenly I hear the sound,
Saying,” Mommy I love you”
From out of the blue, I again have the strength I need to continue, not forgetting to give credit where credit is due,
From dusk ‘till dawn

It seems to get harder as time passes by, to make it a day without wanting to cry, but yet I still look toward the sky, for my sanity supply,
Thanking God each day I breathe, as the babe’s relieve the way I perceive, because in him I believe, and this gift of life I receive.
From dusk ‘till dawn

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Stand

Spiritual warfare,
The devils delight,
The battle cries louder every night,
The warriors sent to claim victory over it all,
The armor gilded for even the small.
I stand…
A child’s innocence lost in a day,
Forgetting nursery rhymes
Forgetting to play,
Mothers weep,
Losing sleep.
I stand…
A neighborhood pusher man,
Pimps on the street,
Kids being beat,
Bullets with no name,
Drugs are the blame,
I stand…
This is not a game to play,
Its real life its time to pray,
Having faith in what God can do,
Not just for me but also for you,
It’s because of him.
I stand…

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Flexwriters Collaboration posted 12/24/07 on My Space

By Lena Washington and Seoulja Girl
Look at me and my Asian ethnicity, what is it that you see?
Does your description fit without knowing my history?
Or do you just look at my slanted eyes the tone of my skin?
Forgetting all substance of knowing me from within.
Is it conceived I am one of the women that can be bought at the store?
Is your vision taken from the movie, the me love you longtime whore?
Excuse me do you know me….
Is it true society has acquired all Asians are Chinese,
We eat Sushi, rice, and yes the old school rhyme we have dirty knees,
Do all Asians require you pay now or is the conception given really foul?
Must we all speak like pho chimmi chan and chow?
Do you see an Asian woman or do you see a chink?
Yeah I said it this one really makes you think.
Excuse me do you know me….
hello, helloyou may have it twisted
about what this brown Sista has in store
so let me give you a clear vision
my skin isn't black it is the color of chocolates
and, caramel, earth and sunset
I don't snap my fingers shake or twist
I ain't just a big booty an a smileor your Mammie
waiting to make cornbread
wit cornrows all up in my head
red scarf an happy like the Aunt Jemima you all see
it is a mystery how you could believe that about us me
hello hello
back to reality
my nails ain't a mile long an my weave ain't sky high
I don't got no baby daddy or receive a welfare check
and spend that on my pappy
drop it like its hot or start fights on my block or like to be called Shawty
Hello, HelloI'm telling you something, you need to know...
This is who I am…
An Asian woman with goals dreams and ambitions.
Refusing to be set below any type of conditions.
Continually my eyes see a brighter light,
Filled with morals values and insight,I value love I value trust and sincerity is a must,
I am faithful caring but not trifling by lust,
This is who I am…Korean by birth and not Chinese,
I speak English after crossing the seas,
I am me I can not be put in a category,
Because I have my very own story,
Knowledge is a Blessing to me each day,
I know I have a purpose each time I pray.
My vagina may be chocolate
But its All the same
I am a woman brown
word magician Descendant of queens
With survival wishes
Future check pusher
into my wallet that is,
And More than a color
But a bearer of hope for the future
I am an intellectual
Hyper sexual Unforgettable
UndeniableSpeaker of truths
Obiama with a pen as my magical tool Quintessential Wo (don't need no) man
Entrenched but not drowning in stereotypes.
Damn, Did you get all that ?
Let me bring it back I am Who you want to be
Regardless of the color of me Baby don't fight
I am who you dream of at night
That is who I am
This is what you see.
You have a pussy so do I....
You have creativity and so do I....
your man did you wrong at one time and so did mine
Experiences only make us strongerwords form within us
Our ink in sync with our flow
Asian and black doing on the pen tip just like that!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Colors turn gray

Colors turn gray
surrounding me
as I cry
I try to hold on
is the hidden secret
which hangs
upon my day
my night.

I have sewn cocoons of silk
destroyed the gardens
with much regret.

There was a time
I felt so high
as I kissed the sunlit sky
but now that painting has faded.
the colors are gray
its dark
and gloomy
no more laughter.
no more cheers,
I grow despite the goodbyes
that have placed yesterday as
a memory.
I grow.


I am now deaf to the music,
I no longer sing the tune,
No more time to dance,
I don’t hear the bass boom.

The band has stopped playing,
The cold silence is in the air,
I am still as a statue,
To move is my own fear.

The lyrics are lost,
With the ones and twos,
I am weakened now,
My silence is the blues.

Walk Dead

When you see me I am now your worst nightmare,
As you close the once opened door,
I take on the responsibility,
I am no longer the lucky charm,
Between the dusk and dawn.
A lesson unforgotten,
Impossible reversal;
I am left unstable,
My body walking dead -
shall reap the seeds sown.
I am left in your head.
Time for darkness again,
Time moves so slow,
The thought haunts me,
You have now walked away,
never to return,
I must walk dead.


Decisions I made will be a constant reminder of why we are not what we were when we first began this journey.
The words were not spoken only sent to me but I heard them louder than anything you ever said to me.
It took away every breathe I thought I could not breathe. Hit me harder than a car crash.
I gasp for air and feel the harsh coldness and pain in what used to be my heart.
My blood barely pumping through my veins as I am depleted.
I wish I were allowed take on your pain as well.
I am dead to you now like I never existed.
The agony I can’t complain because it is well deserved.
I have no excuse.
I am left in the darkness left in the shadows.
This is to be expected.
The promises, the laughter, the fun, the kisses, all but a memory.
The ending so wretched my storms began again.
I am left scarred by the cold truth of my own decision.
I understand I cannot stay within that space as now the void is mine.