Consideration a word that everyone needs to have in their daily walk in life,
A word so commonly forgotten in this world built up on strife,
Can you say you considered me when you seduce another,
Am I considered when people know even your sister, brother and mother,
Consideration was it given to me when you in engaged in this relationship,
Is their considerations for my feelings when you don't want me to trip,
Consideration is the word for the day as I try to figure it all out,
But with this consideration I am given, why doe's it produce so much doubt,
Was consideration given when you met these five lives but yet continue your dirt,
Is their consideration without guilt when you know I am deeply hurt,
Meditate on this word and see is it really a word that is with in you,
Maybe if your consideration was really there, I could see you through,
So should I be as considerate as you and play by your very own rule,
Take what is out there and take you also to be another fool,
So consider it done if thats really what your wanting me to do,
If that's really what you want, your consideration is what I will pursue,
Consideration yet just a word it can turn a good day cold and sad,
But yet in life we tend to forget to be considerate and that's when it gets so bad,
Consideration for feelings that may be hurt during the game,
Consideration for peoples feelings while calling anothers name,
Come on now if love is blind so is the consideration for me,
Because these walls are falling fast as you continue so kindly,
Consideration is it there when I am there and you try to hide it,
Trying to hold peace so that i won't pitch another fit,
Consideration is it there when I am put to the side for a minute,
Do you consider my feelings while you are all up in it,
I am considerate to you but with what payment to i receive,
Are you considerate in your lies as you continually deceive.
Concentrate on consideration maybe life can be more than a dream,
Quit making up lies and playing roles that are not really as they seem.
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