Caught between the facts of reality and the dreams of the fantasy,
A golden dream broken from my very own action,
Chest tightening with the thought of it all,
There is no excuse good enough,
The pain is not bad enough,
I have lost this battle,
Already Mentally.
I have cried tears that could fill oceans of guilt around this world,
I fight constantly all alone within my very own soul,
I do not need the pity I don't feel sad for me,
I have am now facing the wicked path,
The one I despise the most,
Only this time I own it,
My Reflection.
To hate the weakness and fight for the strength which is pure,
But then to allow self to overcome and take it away,
The whole morale I abide by is contaminated,
Inconsiderate there is no real excuse,
I have raped my own conscious,
Reaping evil thoughts,
My Demons.
I feel this I will allow to haunt my ever being for eternity,
The silence of scraping sounds will echo all my life,
As I scream from within me in a silent web,
Evolving yet held by my shame,
Hell has my name on it,
Like a firey scribe,
My Sin.
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