Sexy is a woman that can be a mans backbone, not have prejudice to skin tone, be his company when he is alone, but yet still hold her own,
Sexy is a woman that can deny an affair, have courage not share, because the next day he would not be there,be a woman that is aware,
Sexy is a woman that can trust her mate, who beleives in their fate, doesn't always have to debate, recognizes her soulmate,
Sexy is a woman that can pursue her career, be helpful and sincere, put aside her fear, also make her intentions clear,
Sexy is woman that can use her mind not her treasure, give a man pleasure, but still be on his side at any measure,
Sexy is a woman that can admit her fault, put all others to a hault, take the sweet with the salt, one who can't be sold or bought,
Sexy is a woman who can smile after a fight, bring darkness to light, continue to be polite, make each day seem bright,
Sexy is a woman who can cook a good meal, live life with zeal, have sex appeal, but never dish out a raw deal,
Sexy is a woman that can stand up on her feet, without being beat, in this world full of deceit, having time to make her man feel complete,
Sexy is a woman that can compromise, not live by lies, has nothing to disquise, take on problems no matter what size,
Sexy is a woman that can pray at night, admit when she is not right, doesnt allow every man to take a bite, keeps herself looking tight,
Sexy is a woman who doesn't have to be the center of attraction, recognizes distraction, gives her man satisfaction,
Sexy is a woman who can lend a helping hand, can sympothize and understand, take a firm stand, experience life firsthand,
Sexy is a woman who can take time to hear, be aware, have time to share, understands a good man is rare.
Thanks to my new friend (TLC)you have been an inspiration for my poem.